forensic ballistic EXAMINATION OF FIREARM/ 6 basic chemical examination test Firearms of suspicion, questioned bullets or casings, cartridges are examined so that… Modern ForensicDecember 22, 20218 minute read
Dactyloscopy LIP PRINTS /3 basic forms of lip prints Lip Prints are the characteristics pattern formed by the numerous elevations and… Modern ForensicDecember 19, 20217 minute read
forensic biology and forensic serology EXAMINATION OF SEMEN The examination of semen consists of smell, feel and fluorescence. When seminal… Modern ForensicNovember 14, 202110 minute read
forensic biology and forensic serology SEMEN / 4 basic parts of spermatozoa Semen also known as seminal fluid which may be found in the… Modern ForensicNovember 14, 20216 minute read
Forensic ELECTROPHORESIS Electrophoresis is the most frequently applied separation technique for the analysis of… Modern ForensicOctober 6, 20216 minute read
Forensic 5 STAGES OF RECONSTRUCTION OF CRIME SCENE IntroductionReconstruction of crime scene is a process which determines the events/ actions… Modern ForensicOctober 1, 20214 minute read
Intro TOOL MARKS / 3 basic types of tool marks Tool marks are the impressions left by a tool on coming in… Modern ForensicSeptember 22, 20216 minute read
FINGERPRINTING THE DECEASED In incident of mass disaster, and in many cases of homicide and… Modern ForensicSeptember 6, 20217 minute read
Intro BASIC OF PHYSICAL EVIDENCE Each crime scene is different, consistent with the physical nature of the… Modern ForensicAugust 25, 20216 minute read
Forensic FOOTPRINTS EXAMINATION The footprints are generally found in almost every crime scene. These marks… Modern ForensicAugust 17, 20218 minute read